League Rules

Full Field Rules Absolutely NO SPITTING, FOOD, GUM, SEEDS or OPEN DRINKS are allowed inside the field area. The game will be played using FIFA LOTG unless otherwise directed below.

Full Field Rules : Absolutely NO SPITTING, FOOD, GUM, SEEDS or OPEN DRINKS are allowed inside the field area. The game will be played using FIFA LOTG unless otherwise directed below.

Ball : Size of ball will be determined by age of competition. Home team will supply game ball

Goal Size : 7 x 18-1/2 ft.

Number of players on field :

  • All ages will play 7v7
  • An exception can be made to the age groups wishing to play 6v6 full field.
  • Coed teams will field a minimum of 2 female players on the field at ALL times. GOALKEEPER DOES NOT COUNT AS A FIELD PLAYER. If a coed team does not meet this requirement and only has 1 female player present, the team must play down a player. A MALE PLAYER CANNOT TAKE HER PLACE.
  • If a team is winning by 4 goals, an extra player may be added to the field for the losing team until the difference is three goals.

Team benches : Teams will be seated on the west side of field (main scoreboard side). The home team will be on the south side and the away team on the north

Player equipment: All players are required to wear shin guards Persistent infringement is subject to a yellow card. Flat-soled shoes, turfs or molded cleats are permitted. Each team must have home and away numbered jerseys. If a color conflict exists, the home team will change.

NO JEWELRY of any kind can be worn; this includes any type of watch. Persistent infringement is subject to a yellow card.

Referee : A system employing one referee is used, unless leagues warrant otherwise. Their authority begins when they enter the field of play. August 2019: There is a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on referee abuse. Persistent infringement is subject to a yellow/red card.

Duration of game : All games will be 2 x 25 minute half’s the clock will be a running clock controlled by the referee. The clock shall only be stopped if there is a serious injury and the player must be left on the field for medical assistance. If the injury occurs before halftime, the game will be cancelled and rescheduled. If the injury occurs after halftime the score will count.

Start of play : The referee shall blow the whistle to start play. The home team will always kick-off in the first half. The ball may travel in any direction from the center spot at kick-off. Goals are allowed from the center spot at kick off.

Halftime : It is not mandatory to switch sides at halftime, but if a team wishes to switch sides, the coach must inform the referee and the opposing coach before the start of the game.

Substitutions : Substitutions are “on the fly” and may be made at any time. The player coming off must be within 3 yards of the touchline before the player coming on enters the field. PLAYER COMING ON THE FIELD MUST BE AT MIDFIELD. Substitutions can be made 1 for 1 for an injured player, either teams throw-in/kick-in, a goal kick, or when a goal is scored.

Offside : The offside rule is NOT in effect.

Pass back rule :

  • For the U-10 and under age groups the goalkeeper pass back rule does not apply.
  • The goalkeeper may not touch the ball with his/her hands when their teammate has deliberately passed the ball back to him/her with their feet. If the goalkeeper does use his/her hands on the pass back, a direct free kick is awarded at the top of the arc.

Sliding : There will be no sliding allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS! A direct free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the infraction. If inside the penalty box then a penalty kick is awarded.

  • The goalkeeper may slide within their own penalty box, but they may not slide outside of it.
  • A player may not play the ball if he/she is on the ground, including knees touching ground.

Out of play : Ball is considered out of play when it has completely crossed the touchline, or when it hits any part of the building super structure. If the ball hits the superstructure above the field of play, the ball will be taken to the touchline for a kick-in/throw-in in-line where the building superstructure was hit.

Kick-in : A kick-in will be taken when the ball completely crosses over the touch line. A goal cannot be scored from a kick-in. A kick-in must not be higher than knee level at referee’s discretion. Opposing players will be 3 yards from the ball

  • Ball must be put back in play on line where it crossed out of bounds. If the kick-in never crosses back into play, a retake is awarded.

Throw-in : No throw in – kick in only.

Goal Kick: Winter 2019 : FIFA LOTG applied. The goal kick may be played inside the box. Opposing team cannot enter box during a goal kick. If so the goal kick will be retaken.

Corner Kick :

  • Ball on or inside arch
  • Defender must be at 18 yard box or 7 yards away.

Free Kick : All free kicks will be direct. When a free kick is being taken, all opposing players will be 7 yards from the ball. Opposing attacking player must be 1 yard away from any wall.

Penalty Kick :

  • For the U-14 and under age groups the penalty kick will be taken at the marked penalty spot.
  • For the U-15 and up age groups the penalty kick will be taken from the top of the penalty box

Adult Leagues : (i.e. over 30, over 40 etc.) Must be the age of their league by the last game of the session. Each team may have two players on the roster within two years of the age cutoff.

League Champions : Will be determined by points. Earned during league play (3) points for a win, (1) point for a tie. Tiebreakers will be (1) head-to-head, (2) goals allowed, (3) goal differential

Yellow Card : A player receiving a yellow card must leave the field of play and his/her team will play a man down for 2 minutes. If the goalkeeper is carded, a field player may sit out for 2 minutes. Any player or coach given their 3rd yellow card in one session will sit the next scheduled game.

Red Card : Any player who receives a red card must leave the facility and will be suspended for at least 2 games. It will be reviewed by the Elite General Manager to see if the player will receive a longer suspension. Any player receiving 2 red cards within the same season will be suspended from the facility for 4 additional games.

Forfeits : The score of a forfeited game will be 3-0

TEAM ROSTERS: FALL 2019 : Team Captains must upload team rosters ONLINE using the link provided by Elite.

ALL players planning on playing MUST be on the roster. If a team is short players on game day, sub players from another team can be used at the discretion of the management and with agreement of the opposing team captain. Outside subs: A Sub entering the building that is not on the official online roster must pay a $10.00 Sub fee. The $10.00 sub fee will be credited to that team.

Referee Interaction : The decision and judgement of the referee is final. August 2019: There is now a zero tolerance policy in force.

  • Dissent of any kind may result in a yellow card subject to yellow card rules.
  • Approaching a referee in an act of aggression is not allowed. Physically touching, spitting, and or verbally abusing a referee will result in a red card subject to red card rules. In addition, said player must leave the facility and may be suspended for any number of games up to the complete expulsion from Elite Indoor Sports at management’s discretion. The game will be stopped until player has left the facility. It shall be the team managers’ responsibility to ensure removal of said player. Any player refusing to leave the facility will cause the game to be ended.

Fighting : Any player starting a fight will be red carded at the referee’s discretion. In addition, any player joining an altercation from the field or from the bench will subsequently be red carded. Red card rules shall apply and said players may be suspended for any number of games up to complete expulsion from Elite Indoor Sports at the management’s discretion.

UPDATED Dec 31 20194V4 League :

Field of Play : 63 X 100

Ball Size : 4

Numbers of Players on the field: U-12, U-10, U-8, will be 5 Total Players per side 1-Goalie, 4 Field positions.

Required equipment : All players are required to wear shin guards. Flat-soled shoes, turfs or molded cleats are permitted. Each team must have home and away numbered jerseys. If a color conflict exists, the home team will change.

Substitutions : Substitutions are “on the fly” and may be made at any time. The player coming off must be within 3 yards of the touchline at Midfield before the player coming on enters at Midfield the field. PLAYER COMING ON THE FIELD MUST BE AT MIDFIELD. Substitutions can be made 1 for 1 for an injured player, either team’s throw-in/kick-in, a goal kick, or when a goal is scored.

Referee : A system employing one referee is used. Their authority begins when they enter the field of play.

Duration of game : All games will be 2-(25) minute. The clock will be a running clock controlled by the referee. The clock shall only be stopped if there is a serious injury and the player must be left on the field for medical assistance. If the injury occurs before halftime, the game will be cancelled and rescheduled. If the injury occurs after halftime the score will count.

Sliding : There will be no sliding allowed (Referee’s discretion). NO EXCEPTIONS! A direct free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the infraction

The goalkeeper may slide within their own penalty box, but they may not slide outside of it.

A player may not play the ball if he/she is on the ground, including knees touching ground. PLAYER SHOOTS AND FALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED.

Out of play : Ball is considered out of play when it has completely crossed the touchline, or when it hits any part of the building super structure. If the ball hits the superstructure above the field of play, the ball will be taken to the touchline for a kick-in/throw-in in-line where the building superstructure was hit.

Kick-ins : Balls that went out of bounds on the side of the field shall be restarted on the Place it exited the Sideline as a Kick-In for U-12 & U-10. For U-8 the ball will be thrown in from the spot the ball exited the sideline.

Goal Kicks : U-12 & U-10, ball shall 3 Yards in front of goal and shall be kicked into play. U-8, the goalie shall have possession and be able to throw to his team to restart play.

Goalie Possession : U-12 & U-10, when in possession of the goalie there will be no punts or drop kicks allowed, goalie can throw or place ball on ground and play. U-8 goalie may punt or throw the ball back into play.

Updated 12/31/2019

Update Dec 2020  – League Champions Update.

The following amendment has been added into the “League Champions” paragraph.

League champions account (s) must be in good standing with EIS.

Facility Rental & Events: Field Rental

Field rental is available for a multitude of sports and events, including soccer, lacrosse, baseball, dodge ball, kickball, birthday parties, graduations, and cornhole. In fact ‘anything really!’ Approximate field sizes:

190′ x 100′


95′ x 100′


65′ x 100′


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